Local Newspaper Presents Reasons to Change Sex Education

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The article presents arguments saying that the current sex education curriculum is outdated, that topics like LGBTQ and negotiating sex should be taught.

Meanwhile, 17-year-old student Tay Yi Ting expressed disappointment that the sexuality education curriculum offered at school “simply ignores the existence of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people”.

“It’s important to remember that abstinence is just one of the many approaches to contraception. A comprehensive sexuality education curriculum should cover a broad range of contraceptive options, as well as practical skills to negotiate consent in various settings,” Aware’s Ms Tan said.

Some said that there should be opportunities to discuss consent, how to manage the emotional aspects of relationships and sex and LGBT relationships and identities. 

We are a group of volunteers pulling resources together to protect the next generation from sexualisation, gender ideology and gender confusion.