5-8 years old

Redefine “Family” to include “Non-Traditional Families” (Pg 38)

Children from 5 to 8 years old are taught that “family” includes “non-traditional families”. This includes same-sex unions and possibly polygamous unions. 

This lesson normalises non-traditional structures such as same-sex unions and polygamous unions.

They must also have an attitude that respects these different kinds of “families”.

The missing nuance is that while individuals should be respected, not every union is made equal. A 2-father household does not provide a child with maternal care. If “respect” implies equal value, children will not realise the benefits of complementary care from a father and a mother. At 5-8 years old, children are too young to grasp this nuance anyway.

This redefinition of “family” sets a foundation for other ideologies affirming same-sex marriage and LGBTQ lifestyles.

Awareness About Sexual Behaviours (Pg 71)

Is it appropriate for 5-8-year-old children to be taught that sexual behaviour is a form of “love and care”?

Children are not mature enough to understand the right context for sexual behaviours or disciplined enough to control their curious impulses to explore these sexual behaviours.

Given that “family” is redefined to include non-traditional unions, the types of sexual behaviours taught may give young children the wrong idea that sex can be between 2 men or 2 women or a group of people.

12-15 years old

Some Relationships can be Sexual
(Pg 41)

Teenagers will be taught that some relationships can become sexual. This not taught as negative but neutral. Teaching teenagers to manage their emotions is also not discouraging them from sexualising close relationships.

The consequence of this lesson is that teenagers are left to decide for themselves which relationships should be sexual.

Pleasurable Sexual Behaviours without Penetration (Pg 72)

Teenagers must recall forms of non-penetrative sexual behaviours that reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy and STIs that are still pleasurable.

This is inappropriate for teenagers who are protected by law from “giving consent” to any form of sexual activity. They should be taught to always say no to sexual advances rather than to only mitigate risks that come from having sex. Given that teenagers struggle with their hormonal impulses, the opportunity for sexual arousal should be minimised.

Prostitution is Bad but not Prohibited (Pg 72)

Teenagers must be taught what is “transactional sexual activity” and its risks, but are not taught any prohibitions against it.

The main consideration taught about declining transactional sexual activity is unequal power relations. This argument is utilitarian. Teenagers are not taught that sex has significant consequences on relationships and identity, and it should be enjoyed only within a marriage.

Demonstrate How to Buy Condoms

Teenagers must know where to access contraceptives and be able to demonstrate how to get them.

Teenagers are underage, so it is irrelevant for them to demonstrate how to get contraceptives.

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