How We Started

We were very disturbed by a Straits Times article on 1 January 2023 about MPs pushing for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE).

The article presented many arguments in favour of CSE, without balancing them with any substantive counterarguments.


It became very clear to us that LGBTQ activists are not satisfied with a mere repeal of Section 377A. They demand even more changes in society like promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle in schools.

Furthermore, there are very powerful advocacy groups like AWARE that ask the government to implement CSE.


We also realised that there is no one in Singapore speaking out about the harms of CSE. So we decided to stand in the gap and do something about it.

This website is our attempt to raise awareness about the harms of CSE and to provide parents with resources to educate their children.

We are thankful that the Singapore government is committed to safeguarding social norms.

However, they need our support to sustain their political will to defend the institution of marriage and family against the onslaught of LGBTQ activism.

“The Sexuality Education Curriculum in MOE schools respects the primary role of parents and reflects the national posture on the heterosexual family as the basic unit of society. The curriculum remains secular and based on research and evidence.It is focused on age appropriateness and the developmental needs of the child when touching on topics such as homosexuality.”

~ Minister Masagos

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To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
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We are a group of volunteers pulling resources together to protect the next generation from sexualisation, gender ideology and gender confusion.