Is gender intrinsically linked to biological sex?

This topic is fundamentally a biology class about the reproductive system. It is age-appropriate and mostly good.

However, 12-15-year-old teenagers must distinguish between the biological and social aspects of sex, gender and reproduction. 

Teenagers are not taught that gender and biological sex are intrinsically linked. By only teaching the differences, CSE gives the impression that gender and biological sex are completely independent of each other.

If biological sex and gender are indeed completely independent of each other, there would be no need for “gender-reassignment” which involves extensive and intrusive methods to conform the body to the mind. This is the great irony of gender ideology which is championed in CSE.

Besides, social aspects of gender do not matter in an anatomy and physiology class. This topic should focus only on biological facts and not ideological concepts.

Education should help people feel confident and comfortable with their bodies, not confused and irate by social stereotypes as though gender is merely a performance or a costume.

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