What happens when children learn that the answer to violence is “human rights”?

Topic 4.1 is generally very good. It teaches children how to identify and resist violence, and how to report abuse.

What is meant by “dignified and respectful treatment of everyone”?

Does it mean affirming LGBTQ behaviours and gender identities? From the broader context of CSE, the answer is yes to both.

The CSE guide and actual material may wrongly classify disagreements over gender ideology as “psychological violence” and disagreements over views on homosexuality and behaviour as “bullying”.

Environments do not need to embrace LGBTQ ideology in order to be “safe”. But, CSE wants all its students to embrace and adhere to the LGBTQ ideology, regardless of their respective cultural, societal or family backgrounds and values or views. This can lead to greater fracture and conflict, not a safer environment for all.

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To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
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We are a group of volunteers pulling resources together to protect the next generation from sexualisation, gender ideology and gender confusion.