Are all sexual fantasies and sexual interests honourable and good?

9-12-year-old children must describe ways that human beings feel pleasure, including kissing, touching, caressing and sexual contact. 

This creates an opportunity for sexual predators to misguide, sexually groom and exploit children by enticing them with potential pleasure which they learned about through CSE.

Another learning objective is for children to develop an attitude that sexuality is a healthy part of being human. Unfortunately in the context of CSE, it simultaneously pushes the idea that non-heterosexuality and casual sex is just as healthy.

The push to normalise homosexuality through this CSE with youths as young as 9-12 comes from the hope of eliminating “discrimination”.

We believe that bullying is always wrong, and people should be treated fairly. However, this CSE guide may wrongly classify disagreements with LGBTQ ideas and behaviour as discrimination. This is problematic.

12-15-year-old teenagers must list ways that people express their sexuality, and have an attitude that respects sexuality across cultures.

Teenagers are taught not to question but to not just tolerate but respect and affirm different sexualities, fantasies and desires.

This is unhealthy as not all kinds of sexual fantasies or desires are good. There should not be any affirmation of such desires or fantasies. Having sexual fantasies about someone demeans that person, reducing the person into a sexual object meant for personal gratification. This is a very low and unhealthy view of sex which should not be promoted to youths.

15-18-year-old teenagers must have an attitude that sexuality is natural and enhances well-being.

This learning objective can mean that sexual orientation is natural, and/or having sex is natural.

While feelings can come spontaneously, not all feelings are good and not all sexual activities are physiologically meant to be.

Sex is best enjoyed within marriage due to its immense significance and depth of intimacy.

It is incomplete to teach that sex enhances one’s wellbeing without placing it within the context of marriage. When casual sex is elevated, youths could be set up for a lifetime of regret for indulging in casual sex, ruining their marriages later in life.

Sex is meant to enhance a married couple’s relationship. Simply teaching the benefits to an individual creates a self-serving approach to sex.

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We are a group of volunteers pulling resources together to protect the next generation from sexualisation, gender ideology and gender confusion.