Why must children demonstrate the skill of giving sexual consent?

Much of this topic is actually good, especially for 5-12-year-olds.

It is good to teach children how to say “no” and ask for help when they encounter sexual advances.

However, the learning objectives become age-inappropriate from 12-15 years old onward.

From 12-15 years old, teenagers must learn the skill of expressing consent regarding sexual behaviour.

There is no context for teenagers to give consent to sex at this age. Teenagers should be taught to say no, rather than to say yes to sex.

From 15-18 years old, teenagers must analyse the benefits of giving and refusing sexual consent. Teenagers must also learn the skill of giving consent. They must be taught how to listen for, acknowledge and act on sexual consent.

While the intent could be to reduce rapes due to miscommunication over consent for sex, it is still not necessary to emphasise this over encouraging abstinence as teenagers should not be engaging in sexual activities in the first place.

Teenagers are done a disservice when sex is taught as an activity only for personal pleasure. Sex is a powerful activity which has the potential to create life, and an intimate activity which creates lasting memories.

Sex is therefore best reserved for a committed monogamous relationship that is marriage as it allows sex to achieve its maximal potential as an adult human activity, not for teenagers.

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