How does the definition of “gender stereotypes” change the way gender-based violence is taught?

This topic would have been good if not for the definition of “gender” referring to a spectrum.

Gender includes: male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these. [1]

5-8-year-old children are taught that “ideas about gender and gender stereotypes” create discrimination and violence.

Here is an acknowledgement that there is a clash of ideas concerning “gender” and these ideas should be considered carefully instead of adopting gender ideology uncritically.

However, this CSE guide wrongly lumped gender critical perspectives as discriminatory, effectively silencing all other views except the gender ideology it promotes.

Gender based violence (GBV) is a problem. Certain negative gender stereotypes can lead to prejudice which is also a problem. 

But if we don’t even understand what a man or a woman is and when we misunderstand disagreement of ideas as violence, that is yet another big problem.

For 9-12-year-old children, they are taught to stand up against bullying, discrimination, abuse, sexual abuse and gender-role stereotypes which contribute to GBV.

While these seem good on the surface, again the problem is a fundamental one.

By wrongly classifying disagreement over ideas as discrimination, bullying and abuse or violence, this CSE guide is instead promoting a new kind of discrimination, bullying and abuse towards anything that is at odds with its gender ideology.

15-18-year-old teenagers are taught that the answer to gender-based violence is to support “human rights”. 

However, “human rights” is a problematic concept which demands pro-abortion policies, same-sex unions, same-sex “parenting” and other pro-LGBTQ policies. 

However, “human rights” in this CSE guide is almost synonymous with “autonomy”. It is concerned with decisions a person wants to make concerning sexual behaviour or self-identification.

This therefore includes pro-abortion and LGBTQ ideas. Are these “views” or “rights”? Since this CSE guide mixes them together, one must be extremely cautious whenever the term “human rights” is mentioned, else it is just a way to groom pro-abortion and LGBTQ activists of tomorrow, even if it means undermining existing norms, understandings and family values or relationships.

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